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本文摘要:贵安新区中心区高铁综合交通枢纽及CBD地区详尽城市设计方案征求公告Call for Proposals for Detailed Planning of Comprehensive High-speed Railway Transportation Hub and CBD in Central Gui’an New District贵安新区坐落于贵州省贵阳市和安顺市融合区域,规划掌控面积1795平方公里,是中国八大国家级新区之一。

贵安新区中心区高铁综合交通枢纽及CBD地区详尽城市设计方案征求公告Call for Proposals for Detailed Planning of Comprehensive High-speed Railway Transportation Hub and CBD in Central Gui’an New District贵安新区坐落于贵州省贵阳市和安顺市融合区域,规划掌控面积1795平方公里,是中国八大国家级新区之一。新区致力于打造出“山水之城,田园之都”,贵安新区将建设沦为内陆型经济新纪录地、创意发展实验区、高端服务业聚集区、国际休闲度假旅游区、生态文明建设引导区。贵安新区中心区高铁综合交通枢纽及CBD地区的城市设计,力图将该区打造出沦为最重要的交通枢纽及中央商务CBD区。

现公开发表征求高铁综合交通枢纽及CBD地区城市设计方案,诚邀国际有经验、有资质的设计单位参予。The Gui’an New District, being the eighth National New Districts in China, is located between Guiyang City and Anshun City, Guizhou Province with a planned area of 1,795 km2. The District, committed to the goal of “creating a city with pastoral lanscapes”, will be built into a new leading area in inland economic development, a pilot area for innovation and development, an agglomeration of high-end service industries, an international area for leisure, vocation and tourism and a leading area for the construction of ecological civilization. The planning of comprehensive high-speed railway transportation hub and CBD in central Gui’an New District strives to build it into an important transportation hub and central business district. We hereby publicly call for the proposals for the planning of such a transportation hub and CBD as required, sincerely inviting the participation of experienced and qualified design agencies worldwide.一、项目概况I.Review of the Project贵安高铁综合交通枢纽及CBD地区城市设计规划用地面积464公顷。坐落于贵安新区中心区,东至百马中路,西至清杨路,南至中心大道,北至天河潭路,参见附图一。

As it is planned, the Gui’an comprehensive high-speed railway transportation hub and CBD covers an area of 464 hectares. It is located in central Guian New District, with Baimazhong Road being its east border, Qingyang Road being the west border, Central Road being the south border and Tianhetan Road being its north border. For more information, please see Fig. 1.二、项目定位II.Project Orientation该片区以贵安高铁车站为相结合,以交通枢纽为核心,逐步造就金融、商业、商务办公、休闲娱乐旅游等现代城市功能,建构国际一流、高效快捷、绿色生态的高端服务中心,重点发展以金融与商务会展、信息服务与科教研发、高端居住于与生态旅游居多的现代服务业。将高铁片区打造出沦为通达汇集的交通之星;多姿多彩的活力之星;大气对外开放的门户之星,将中央商务CBD塑造成具备贵安特色的中央CBD、充满活力的CBD、低碳生态CBD。The District, supported by Gui’an High-speed Railway Station and focusing on the transportation hub, will gradually develop its functions of modern cities, including finance, commerce, commercial office, leisure and tourism; and will establish an efficient, ecological high-end service center with a leading status in the world; it will highlight the development of modern service industries which mainly include finance, commercial exhibition, information service, research on and development of science and education , high-end housing project and ecological tourism. The district near the high-speed railway station will be built into a transportation center connecting people and merchandises, a center featuring various achievements in economic and social development and a open area for modernization and urbanization. The CBD will become a vigorous and low-carbon CBD with local characteristics of Gui’an.三、主办单位III.Sponsor(一)主办单位:贵州贵安新区管理委员会(二)主办单位:贵州贵安新区管理委员会规划建设管理局(1) Sponsor: Management Committee of Guizhou Guian New District(2) Organizer: Planning and Construction Bureau of The Management Committee of Guizhou Guian New District四、设计内容IV.Contents of Planning本次设计分成详尽城市设计和重点地区修筑性详尽规划设计两个层次。

工作内容:本次规划分成两个阶段,第一阶段为方案设计阶段,还包括规划区城市设计464公顷及重点地区修筑性详尽规划152公顷(不含在464公顷内);第二阶段为深化完备阶段,由票选出有的第一名设计单位展开深化完备规划区城市设计及重点地区修筑性详尽规划内容。This planning includes two aspects: a detailed urban planning for the whole District and a detailed planning for constructional purposes in key areas of the District.Content of Planning: this planning is divided into two stages: Stage 1 focuses on the collecting of the proposals for the urban planning for the 464 hectares of the whole District and the detailed planning for constructional purposes in the 152 hectares of key areas within the mentioned 464 hectares; Stage 2 focuses on the refining of the planning, during which the winning design agency will be responsible for the refining of the selected proposal.五、方案征求的组织方式V.Method for Proposal Collecting (一)方案征求形式:(I) Forms of Proposal Collecting1.本次征求公告面向国际公开发表公布,采行公开发表甄选形式。

的组织单位在公布甄选公告,从公告公布之日起,公开发表拒绝接受国内外设计单位的甄选。1. This Call for Proposals is publicly open to both domestic and international design agencies. The organizer will accept the applications from domestic and international agencies since the issuing of the Call for Proposals.2.主办单位将对甄选设计单位展开资格预审,并对设计单位类似于综合业绩、项目负责人资历、设计团队实力及其他涉及情况展开综合比中选,投票决定6家设计单位作为月邀单位,并收到月邀请函;并未获奖的设计单位恕不另行通知。

2. The organizer will conduct prequalification for the applying design agencies and make a comprehensive comparison and selection among the applicants in terms of their general performances; qualifications of the project leaders, team strength and other related information. It will formally select 6 design agencies as the invited designers and issue formal invitation letters to them while giving no additional notice to those that fail to be selected.3.不受邀的设计单位接到邀请函后不应在誓约期限内把确认函电子邮件至的组织单位。3. The design agencies invited should submit their confirmation letters to the organizer by fax within agreed period after receiving the invitation letter.4.对六家设计单位的设计方案评审后,由第一名的设计单位在汲取其它设计单位方案优点的基础上,转入第二阶段深化城市设计和重点地区修筑性详尽规划工作。4. After the organizer reviews design proposals of the six invited design agencies, the first prize winning design agency will move into stage 2 during which it will refine the urban planning for the whole District and the detailed planning for constructional purposes in the key areas.(二)征求甄选拒绝:(II) Qualifications of Applicants1.具备独立国家法人资格。1. Being an independent legal entity.2.设计单位不应符合以下资格拒绝:国内设计单位需不具备住房和城乡建设部授予的城乡规划编成甲级资质(在有效期内)和建筑设计专业甲级资质,在国内有一定知名度,同时具备同类项目的设计经验与顺利案例。

2. The design units should have the following qualifications: domestic design should have Grade A Certificate of Urban and Rural Planning issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (within period of validity) and Grade A Certificate of Architectural Design Profession, and should be relatively reputable in China, and should have the successful experience of designing similar projects.3.国外设计单位需在中华人民共和国境内合法开展业务,在国际上具备一定知名度,且由国际著名设计大师领衔,并具备同类规模及以上项目的设计经验与顺利案例。具备同类城市规划或城市设计经验的优先(获取同类项目中标通知书或合约复印件砖墙公章)。3. Foreign design agencies should be legally operating within territory of the People’s Republic of China and be famous internationally and led by world-famous designers and have successful experience of designing projects of similar or larger scale. Priority will be given to those that have design experience in similar urban planning or design (such agencies should provide relevant winning bidder notifications or contract photocopies of the contracts under official seal).4.国内投标单位的拟任项目负责人必需具备登记城市规划师或国家一级登记建筑师资格,项目负责人主持人过最少2项同等规模、同等类型的城市设计项目。4. The will-be project leader of the bidding design agency from China should be qualified Certified Urban Planner or national Class Ⅰ National Certified Architect, and should have the experience of leading at least 2 urban design projects of similar scale and the same type.5.国外投标单位的项目负责人主持人过最少2项同等规模、同等类型的城市设计项目。

5. The will-be Project leader of foreign bidding design agency should have the experience of leading at least 2 urban design projects of similar scale and of the same type.6.本项目拒绝接受两家设计单位构成的联合体参予方案设计。以联合体名义甄选参与的设计联合体不应递交所有牵头设计单位联合签订的“联合体合作协议”。6. The Project accepts the joint design proposal by two design agencies. The agencies applying in the name of joint design agencies should submit the “Joint Designing Agreement” signed by all joint designers.7.项目人员构成拒绝,项目参予人中不应具备建筑、规划、交通、市政、园林景观等中级职称以上技术人员,还不应具备城市研发运营策划方面的人员。

(获取适当执业资格证书)。7. Qualifications of Project Members The Project members should include technicians with medium-grade professional title or higher in the profession of architecture, planning, transportation, municipal administration and landscape architecture, as well as professionals involving urban development and operation. (Relevant professional certificates should be provided.)六、征求流程VI. Procedures of Collecting(一)甄选阶段公告公布之日起拒绝接受甄选,无意参与本次方案征求的设计单位将甄选材料按照征求公告上拒绝(电子及纸质文件各一份,胶装稿本,以纸质文件递送时间不尽相同)递交至贵州正佳招标有限公司,甄选累计时间于2015年7月7日17:00前(国外设计单位累计时间为2015年7月10日17:00前),逾期仍然法院。地址:贵州省贵阳市遵义路318号贵州省体育馆内兰桂酒楼4楼邮编:550000联系人:田娟电话:18208516330电子邮件:0851-85229379E-mail:30414392@qq.com (I) ApplicationApplication will be allowed since the issuing of the Call for Proposals. Design agencies interested may submit their application documents to Guizhou Zhengjia Tendering Co., Ltd. according to the requirements listed in the Call for Proposals (one electronic application by email and one paper application by mail are required, and the expiration should be subject to delivery time of the paper document). Application will be expired by 17:00, July 7, 2015, (The application of foreign design agency will be expired by 17:00, July10, 2015),and application overdue will not be accepted. Address: Langui Hotel Forth Floor at Guizhou Gym Zunyi Road 318 Guiyang City, Guizhou Province.Postal code: 550000Contact person: Tian JuanTel.: 18208516330Fax: 0851-85229379E-mail:30414392@qq.com (二) 资格预审经过综合票选出有6家设计单位积极开展本次设计工作。(II) PrequalificationWith comprehensive comparison, the 6 design agencies will be selected and enter next stage of design.(三)奖励设置本次方案设计票选出有前三名,明确奖励设置如下:(一)第一名,奖励人民币150万元;(二)第二名,奖励人民币110万元;(三)第三名,奖励人民币80万元;并未获奖作品经专家组审议,若符合项目设计拒绝及深度。

国外设计单位给与重复使用补偿30万元人民币,国内设计单位给与重复使用补偿20万元人民币。第一名转入下一步成果完备阶段(明确拒绝待第一轮设计已完成后再行商定),设计费用为: 200万元人民币一整。录:所有奖金为税前金额 (III) Award settingThree design agencies will be selected and awarded as follows: (1) The First-Prize Winner will be awarded RMB 1,500,000; (2) The Second Prize Winner will be awarded RMB 1,000,000; (3) The Third Prize Winner will be awarded RMB 800,000.For design proposals not awarded but meeting the requirements of the specialist reviews, foreign design agencies will be compensated for RMB 300,000 in a lump sum while Chinese design agencies will be compensated for RMB 200,000 in a lump sum.The First Prize Winner will move into the next stage and refine the design proposal (Specific requirements are to be finalized upon completion of the first round of design), and the expected expense is RMB 2,000,000.Notice: All bonuses listed are pre-tax amounts.三、注意事项III Notes1、获奖作品成果拥有权归主办单位所有,设计单位须要确保其所交付给的最后设计成果原始、正确性、有效地,并确保所交付给的成果不侵害第三人的任何合法权益。甲方对设计单位交付给的设计成果竣工验收后,因牵涉到成果所产生的还包括只是产权在内的任何权利皆归甲方所有。

1. Only the Sponsor should be entitled to the award-winning works. The design agency should ensure that the final design results submitted by them be complete, true and valid, and that the results delivered do not infringe any legal interest of a third person. When Party A accepts the design results delivered by design units, any right generated and related to the results including intellectual property should be owned by Party A.2、参赛作品需获取图片及文字说明资料,主办单位有权在获奖作品中自由选择,作为下一步深化设计阶段资料。得奖方案有义务因应主办单位积极开展下阶段深化设计涉及工作。2. The bidding works should be attached with pictures and words for reference. The Sponsor has the right to select information from the award-winning works for the purpose of refining the design in next stage. The award-winners should be obliged to cooperate with the Sponsor on issues related to the refinements in next stage. 3、本次方案征求公告由主办单位贵州贵安新区管理委员会规划建设管理局负责管理说明。

如果英文和中文内容不完全一致,以中文不尽相同。3. The interpretation of this Call for Proposal is reserved to the Planning and Construction Bureau of Management Committee of Guizhou Gui’an New District. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.。



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